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Write a Winning Nonfiction Book Proposal begins 2/5/25!

Did you know that it's possible to sell a book on the strength of a book proposal alone—even if you haven't yet finished writing your book? A book proposal is an equation: a business case married with a marketing plan that you submit to publishers. In this workshop, students will learn the full spectrum of writing a first-draft proposal: what to include, what to leave out, faux pas to avoid, structuring your proposal in a professional format, and how to demonstrate to publishers that you're a serious writer who understands the 21st-century publishing landscape. Each week, students will write one draft section of their proposal. They will receive weekly critique on their drafts from the instructor, and they will also workshop some sections with one another in small groups or partners. Students must have either a completed or in-progress nonfiction manuscript, and be comfortable using Word, Google Docs, or Scrivener. Enrollment is limited for this hands-on workshop. Registration is available at https://loft.org/classes/6-week-write-winning-nonfiction-book-proposal

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